Automate Sending a Client Gift

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If you do not send client gifts already, you should! Whether you send an Onboarding gift, Offboarding gift, or both, it really takes your business to the next level! Here are 2 simple ways to add this step into your workflow, no matter what system you use!

Create a ToDo

The easiest way to remember to send a client gift is to simply create a ToDo in your workflow. Some of the best spots to add this workflow action would be after the client has signed the contract and paid the deposit, after an onboarding call, or even before a strategy/kickoff call. For example, I have a ToDo after my clients schedule their Strategy & Mapping call to send them a gift card to get a coffee and snack for the call.

Another spot to add this ToDo would be at Offboarding. Add a ToDo to send a “thank you” gift during handoff/offboarding or even a week or so later to check-in.

This option is more manual but gives you a bit more control over what you want to send.

Automate with Zapier

If you want to get even more automated, use Zapier to trigger gifts to send out at specific points in your client journey. Most of the time, this can be done with a free account unless you are requiring a 2-step zap.

To do this, choose what company you will use for your gifts such as Tango Giftcards, Handwrytten (for handwritten cards), Corporategift, and so much more! Then, select your CRM to connect it to. Scroll through the possible triggers and select which one works best for you and then do the same for the action along with the gift details. Done!


Trigger - New Project as Job in Dubsado
Action - Send Reward in Tango -> Coffee Reward Link -> $$ -> Recipient Info

This simple detail in your workflow can make a huge impact on your clients. I have had many clients comment on how unexpected it was to receive a gift card for booking a Strategy & Mapping call with me.

Do you send gifts to your clients? Let me know on my Instagram!


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