Top 3 Dubsado Features (and how I use them)

*Disclaimer: This site may contain affiliate links. I may receive a small commission for purchases made through these links at no additional cost to you.

Dubsado has SO many great features that can help any small business owner streamline their business and save them time. I utilize just about all of Dubsado, except for the task list (I use Asana for that!), and it truly saves me time and keeps me on track with my leads and clients.

Below are my top 3 favorite Dubsado features. If you want to try Dubsado out and take these features for a spin, sign up for a free trial (there is no time limit on it!) and use my affiliate link to save 30% off your first month or year if you decide to sign up!

01. Workflows

Well, duh! Dubsado's workflows are their #1 selling point. They are above and beyond their competitors in regards to actions, triggers, automation, and even workarounds for steps they haven't natively created a solution for! I love to set it and just about forget it, so any automation that I can strategically put into my workflows, I do.

Obviously, there is a time and place for automation vs manual steps in your process. You don't want your clients to think you are a robot and you can never trust technology 100%, so having safe points in your workflows is a must. I do this in the form of ToDos and Approval buttons. This way, if I want to edit something before it goes out, it only takes me a moment and a quick click to approve my workflow to keep on keepin' on!

Here's a brief glimpse at how I utilize workflows:

My workflows are set up in phases for each service I offer. So, when a client fills out my Lead Capture Form / Contact Form, they get put into a General: Inquiry workflow. This brings us through the process of scheduling and having our Discovery call where I can learn about their business and pain points. After the call, all I need to do is start the Booking workflow for the appropriate service (Ex: Systems Setup or VIP Day). My Booking workflows bring us through the proposal and signing stage of my process, including automated follow-ups! If a client signs on with me, they automatically get moved on to the Booked workflow for the service they have agreed to and that is where they get access to their Client Portal, onboarding documents and information, and even booking a Strategy call, if needed. They stay in this workflow phase until handoff when they are put into the Offboarding workflow. This sends them all of their offboarding info and follows up with them post-project.

No one's workflows are exactly the same as no two businesses are the same, but Dubsado's workflow feature can adapt to anyone's business.


02. Client Portal

"Can you resend that form?" "I can't find the email with my contract." "I need to reschedule our call."

Have you heard any of these before? That is why I love Dubsado's Client Portal. ALL of my clients get access to their very own client portal in their onboarding email. I have the client portal login page embedded on my website so they can easily find it, even if they lost that onboarding email! Inside their portal, they have access to all emails sent between us, our contract, invoices, documents and forms, and appointments. It is a one-stop shop for everything involved in their project. No more wasting time resending forms to clients! AND it really makes you look professional having a client portal — like you really have your shit together!

Dubsado Client Portal

03. Templates

ALLLLLLL the templates.

I can't tell you what I hate more than retyping or recreating the same thing over and over again for various clients. What a time suck! Dubsado's templates make your life easier and save you a TON of time. If I find myself sending out the same email more than once - BOOM! - now it's in my Canned Email arsenal. Did I create a special package for a client that seems to be something I want to offer others - BOOM! - now it's a Packages template. You get the idea 🤣!

Not only are the templates great for smaller things like emails, but their forms (especially now with their new Form Builder as of 2022!) can be perfectly customized to your brand and even doctored to match your website on point! You can create amazing forms from Lead Capture Forms to Contracts to Proposals to Questionnaires utilizing their ever-evolving native elements or even CSS (if you're cool like that😎!).

Form templates save so much time, make you stand out, and are effortless to edit and customize for clients as needed.

Canned Email Templates

Well, those are my 3 top favorite Dubsado features. Totally unoriginal, I know, but they are amazing! As a busy, homeschooling mom, business owner, and aspiring farmer👩‍🌾, I embrace every second I save using these amazing tools. As a small business owner and seeker of freedom, you will cherish Dubsado and all that it offers.

You have nothing to lose by checking it out and their free trial is 3 clients long, not days. BUT make sure you utilize my code HERE. As a Certified Dubsado Specialist, I get to offer you 30% off your first month or year! Pretty awesome.


How much to invest in your Dubsado?


Should you invest in a system setup?